Designers' Saturday 2016
The Designers’ Saturday in Langenthal/Bern has been the meeting place for design since 1987.
It is held where design is created. The production facilities are transformed into stages and selected companies showcase their products, authentic capabilities and unconventional installations. Feuerring took part in the event in November 2016.
It was the first time that an outdoor space had been used at Designers’ Saturday and for the first time it also «involved» fire: The mill courtyard and the adjoining garden with the embodied energy of older buildings were the perfect «space for form».
Here, at Designers’ Saturday 2016, visitors moved through artistically arranged sections on their journey towards discovering the Feuerring:
Waste, raw and semi-finished steel elements were powerfully and artistically staged to allow interested visitor to walk through sections, incisions and cut-outs full of impressions and emotions, thereby experiencing the full impact of the Feuerring.
The Feuerring then presented itself in the inner courtyard, the Rose Garden, with its essential dimensions - both with culinary and sound delights.
In addition to the warming flames, visitors were treated to culinary delights and an almost mystical soundscape in the inner courtyard, guaranteeing a sensory experience to remember: Roland Bucher, winner of the culture prize of the Canton of Schwyz and percussionist, improvised on four Feuerring grills and singer Corina Schranz rounded off the rhythmic event with crisp sounds and amazing vocal effects.
Everyone had the opportunity to explore and enjoy each and every detail of the «round» and groundbreaking design with all their senses.
This also convinced the DS expert jury and Feuerring was delighted to take home such a special award: Feuerring was the «Bronze Winner» 2016 in the category XL.